Subject: BIKE: V5.02 Bicycle Ride Log Author: Siesta Software (Henning Associates) Uploaded By: MikerH1053 Date: 11/28/1997 File: BIKE50.ZIP (901827 bytes) Estimated Download Time (41151 baud): < 6 minutes Download Count: 923 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Windows 95/NT Keywords: Henning, Siesta, Training, Fitness, Exercise, Cycle, Graph, Statistics, ASP, Win31, Win95 Type: Shareware New for this version: * Bug correction for the previous version. Uploaded by the author, Bike is a program that keeps a ride log of all of your cycling feats, and allows you to display portions of the data base and sort the data base on key features. Bike allows up to two riders and four bicycles in your data base and makes no restrictions on the number of rides. Display your statistics numerically or graphically. For support, contact the author directly at AOL screen name: MikerH1053 To install, run the included: INSTALL.EXE To run, launch: BIKE.EXE or run from its Windows program icon. Documentation: Help within the Program Downloads for previous version: 1841